Archive / Round Cutting Boards

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Crafting Culinary Elеgancе: Thе Art of Choosing a Prеmium Hardwood Maplе Cutting Board

In thе hеart of Canada’s pristinе forеsts, whеrе thе air is crisp and thе maplе trееs stand tall and proud, a culinary mastеrpiеcе is born. Wеlcomе to thе world of prеmium hardwood maplе cutting boards, whеrе craftsmanship mееts functionality to еlеvatе your kitchеn еxpеriеncе. In this blog post, wе’ll dеlvе into thе art of choosing […]

The Humble Bar Cutting Board

An Overlooked Essential Whether pulsating in the heart of a nightclub or serenely sitting at home, every bar needs a good cutting board. And yet, this tool is so easily forgotten about. It’s not like a cocktail shaker, glamorous, or even a muddler, intricate. Yet, it’s indispensable. A bar cutting board is to drink preparation—the […]

Transforming Hardwood Cutting Boards with Resin Art

The Allure of Resin Art on Hardwood Cutting boards Resin art is mesmerizing. It takes a medium, usually epoxy resin, and turns it into a playground for creativity. For artists, the resin represents a canvas. But when you bring hardwood cutting boards into the mix, that canvas becomes something far more unique and useful. The […]

The Art of the Pizza Peel

Of all the culinary tools in the world, it’s hard to rival the Pizza Peel board with handle based on its utility and craftsmanship. This simple tool spans a distance between the arts of cooking and the sciences of heat transfer. What truly makes a pizza peel with a handle remarkable then? It’s an important […]